Back in 2021, I wrote a post about how leaders who have been immersed for some time in the ‘change thing’ they’re going to communicate, can behave - it’s an “I’m here, where are you?” thing. They sometimes forget that the people they’re communicating with won’t have the same level of knowledge as them. And this is even more important to avoid when you’re working at a global level.
Read MoreHave you got your leadership ducks in a row?
Getting your ducks in a row as a leadership team before you embark on any change always delivers benefits. Spending time working through together what the change means, the challenges it might present and what you agree – or disagree on – and how you’re going to communicate it… here’s why it helps.
Read MoreHow good are your organisation’s wellbeing foundations?
As well as helping people to develop their own wellbeing and resilience, there are some key foundations that organisations can put in place that will help. Here are just a few of the questions I ask leaders and managers to discover what’s happening in their organisation.
Read MoreUnderstanding better how people tick will help you support them through change and uncertainty
Change and uncertainty are part of being human. But if we understand more about the basics of how human beings – and our brains – work, then we’ll be able to support people better in times of change.
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