I work with you to make sure that the whole of your team is greater than the sum of its parts. The focus is firmly on building a resilient and flourishing team

Jo Twiselton, Twist Consultants, leading a workshop on organisation change and wellbeing

Jo Twiselton, Twist Consultants, leading a workshop on organisation change and wellbeing


This approach helps teams to:

  • Have a clear idea of their wellbeing and resilience, using the Wraw psychometric

  • Support one another, by establishing a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities

  • Develop greater psychological safety - more likely to share learnings from mistakes and develop solutions together

  • Speed up decision-making

  • Share pressure across the team as a whole

  • Create a stronger and more adaptable team with greater strategic resilience

Organisational change can impact resilience and wellbeing and that’s no different for leaders and managers. Think of it like training for a marathon – getting yourself fit and ready takes time and preparation.

Having a measure of individual and team resilience before you embark on any change can help to put the right actions in place before you get started and keep you on track.

workplace resilience and wellbeing audit:

I use the Wraw® (Workplace Resilience and Wellbeing) assessment, which is built on a scientifically validated, evidence-based model. Developed by a team of psychologists, The 5 Pillars of Resilience measures three key dimensions: physical, psychological and social, giving a holistic understanding of key strengths and areas for improvement. It helps build healthy, high performance in organisations in two ways:

  • Educating and empowering individuals and teams to take ownership of their own resilience and wellbeing and

  • Educating and enabling leaders and mangers to build a safe and supportive working environment.

I offer the WRAW assessment to give a holistic picture of wellbeing across a range of levels, from individuals and teams to senior leaders, particularly when organisations are facing big change.

Taking the results of the audit at an individual and team level, I can work with you to decide the best next steps and approaches, typically 1-2-1 or team coaching.

The Wraw report gives you a snapshot of where you are now, helping to raise your self-awareness and to identify and embed sustainable, healthy coping strategies. It can support you as a leader and manager to live and perform better. 



As leaders and managers navigate through a rapidly changing and uncertain business landscape, team performance is paramount. Building Resilient Teams has been specifically designed to create the culture and conditions for healthy high performance, supporting the development of a team culture of respect, honesty and trust.


Leaders and managers plays a really important role in creating a positive working environment. By role-modelling resilient behaviours they can support a culture of strong, supportive relationships, focus, high energy, motivation and adaptability.

The Resilient Leaders programme provides delegates with practical strategies, tactics and tools to lead wellbeing conversations, respond appropriately and nurture a working environment that supports the whole team.

This approach has been designed to create the culture and conditions for healthy high performance. It gives leaders the knowledge and skills to support their teams to stay at their best - their most supportive, solution-focused, energised and creative .

For each workshop, every delegate completes the Wraw Assessment in advance, giving them an accurate snapshot of their resilience and wellbeing. They are then well-placed to get the most from the workshop.

I’d always considered myself to be fairly resilient, without ever thinking about why. Taking the WRAW analysis allowed me to capture a snapshot in time of how my resilience and wellbeing is faring, at the end of a particularly challenging year. Seeing the results broken down into the five pillars really helped me focus on strengths and areas to watch.
Jo’s coaching style helped me dig deeper and identify small but significant changes I could easily make to help boost my resilience. I think this is crucial for anyone who may be struggling. The last thing we need is an overwhelming challenge or goal. Small steps really do make a difference.
— Sarah Eyles, Operations Organisation Development and Comms Manager, Elsevier'

Where do you need help? Let’s talk.

If you’re embarking on change; if you’re an organisation that wants to communicate and engage better with your people, or a consultancy or agency that needs change, communication, engagement or coaching support for your clients, let’s talk.