Workplace change has always been a constant for organisations but with the addition of a pandemic, probably the most rapid change programme we’ve all experienced, wellbeing shot up the list of priorities for leaders.
To test thinking around this, I set out to answer some basic questions about wellbeing in the context of organisation change. As themes began to emerge, it led to more discussions and ideas that I thought would be useful for others to hear about too. - here are just some of the findings.
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Busy, busy, busy… you know that reflection could help you, but you don’t really have time to do it. Self-reflection or working through it with an accountability buddy can be really powerful. Once you make time and create a habit for reflection, it can have a really positive effect.
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Our perspective and how we see the world is unique and this includes our viewpoints in organisations. When leaders introduce change into organisations, the importance of taking account of different perspectives and making sure we see things from different viewpoints, really matters. Putting the change into context becomes key. But how can leaders get a different viewpoint?
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Originally published in 2018, this book explores the background to how trust has developed and changed. Dipping into psychology, technology, the coming to power of Donald Trump and a host of other stories that beautifully illustrate her arguments, this book feels more relevant now as we seem to be facing an increasing erosion of trust in our institutions and technology platforms. A thought-provoking read that will leave you thinking long after you finish it.
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