One of the topics that comes up time and time again is ‘difficult’ people in change. They don’t agree with what’s happening and they can be loud about it, influencing others in the process.
But are they really being difficult or resistant? Or do you need to dig deeper to find out what’s really going on? Here are three ideas to help you get started in finding out what’s behind pushbacks in change.
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Resilience is one of those things that we’re told is really important and especially in times of change. But why? And what are the priorities that leaders should focus on?
Here are the three reasons why I believe that resilience is so important right now and especially for leaders of change.
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We take thinking for granted, but when we explore how and where we do our best work or get our most inspiring ideas, it can be a surprise. Here are a few ideas to help shape your thinking, especially in times of change.
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I’ve recently been volunteering, explaining the work I do to children. It’s been a brilliant reminder of how communication skills are so vital and especially when we’re working in times of uncertainty or change.
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