Before you even start reading this book, you know you’re in for an interesting experience when the first page note describes the author as someone who, “trained as a physicist, he has had a very elastic career, writing for television series such as Star Trek: The Next Generation and working in the gaming industry before becoming a full-time writer, while continuing to publish physics papers as a hobby.” And interesting it most definitely is.
Read MoreThe stories we tell ourselves – do they need a rewrite?
We all tell ourselves stories - whether that’s us as individuals or as organisations. But sometimes, we might need to make a twist in the tale if we want to make a change in our lives.
Read MoreWavelengths, dementors and other things that might help with fatigue
In a recent post, I talked about how many of us are feeling exhausted by the big changes we’re experiencing. The responses I had to that prompted more thoughts about how we can help ourselves - and others - when it feels like there’s so little joy out there. I hope these might be useful too.
Read MoreFeeling knackered? It's not just you...
We’re seeing exhaustion showing up in many different ways – from change to compassion to pandemic, Zoom or even news fatigue. What can leaders do to support themselves and others when fatigue is so commonplace? Here’s a few ideas that might just help.
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