Do you have these three wellbeing must-dos in your 2023 plans?

No-one really knows what 2023 will bring. But you do already know some of the things happening behind the scenes in your organisation that your teams will face next year.

Although you’re probably feeling you don’t have all the answers, you do want to do the right thing to make 2023 a year of positive growth for your organisation.

In all the turbulence we’re facing, we need an even greater priority on the people in our organisations – including ourselves as leaders. Systems and processes are important but the cliché of people being our greatest asset is a cliché for a reason.

Follow the research – three things that will help

I’ve been revisiting research I carried out in 2021, when I spoke to 13 leaders across a number of sectors including healthcare, retail, technology and manufacturing. These discussions demonstrated why a greater focus on people’s wellbeing is important in times of change. As a result, I developed the ‘Twist Wellbeing and Change’ report, capturing the key themes that could help other leaders.

Here are three must-dos that emerged from this research and which still hold true right now:

  1. Good leadership skills are essential to help people through change
    The role of leaders in organisation change was one of the topics mentioned most often in discussion and included topics like role-modelling and listening skills. It’s not just senior leaders – line managers are just as important and making sure they have the training and support they need is key

  2. Remember that we all respond uniquely to change – whatever it might be. A one-size fits all approach may not get you the results you’re after

  3. Don’t forget how important communication is in creating clarity and setting intention. Communication was mentioned by everyone I spoke to as part of the research and some good - and bad - examples were shared too

If you’re thinking about how to help your teams deal with what’s on the horizon next year – even if we don’t have a clue what some of that might look like – this research might give you some ideas. You can download your own copy here.

If it would be helpful to get another perspective on your 2023 plans to support your teams through change and uncertainty, let me know