Take time to reflect and help build resilience for 2023

I’ve had several interesting conversations recently about topics like resilience, overwhelm, running out of steam and burnout.

Photo credit: Frederico Bottos, Unsplash 

They’ve left me thinking about how leaders could take a few minutes to reflect as we reach the end of 2022. How could you continue to put yourself and your people first next year, whatever you’re facing?

Here are a few questions that might be useful to guide your thinking:

  • What have you learned from this year that you want to change or take forward into 2023?

  • How have you looked after yourself and your teams in 2022?

  • What does resilience look like for you? And for your teams?

  • How can you have more fun at work?

  • How can you have a better life balance and support your team with this too?

  • How can you be more available to your team so they can discuss things they’re finding challenging or may need your support with?

  • What support do you need?

  • How can you build even healthier habits in 2023?

What other questions might be useful for you?

Let me know if a chat or a sounding board could be helpful…