Blended working, blended communication…

Over the last seven months, I’ve seen and heard how different friends, clients and colleagues have been dealing with the challenges of remote working.

Now, we’re in a different space. Organisations are asking some big questions about how they work best with their teams or why they might need offices. Google announced that, as an organisation, they won’t be expecting people back into the office until next summer. Others are recognising that a hybrid approach, between remote and home working could be better for them and their employees.

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Twist is 16 years old. What’s next?

In August 2004, I set up Twist Consultants. I wasn’t one of those people who originally had ‘running my own business,’ at the top of my list of life goals but as unexpected as it was, it has been a brilliant and sometimes challenging ride. It’s one of the best things I’ve done.

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Jo Twiselton appointed as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR)

I’m delighted to have been named as a Fellow of the Chartered institute of Public Relations (CIPR) . This supports my focus on professionalism and ethics in the services I deliver to clients in my communication, change and coaching practice.

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